When you use social channels from an official 涩里番下载 account, you are representing the 涩里番下载 brand and the University. Here are some simple guidelines to do so in the best way possible.
- Begin with 鈥溕锓略剽 or 鈥溕锓略剽 when creating a name for your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media account to make it easy to search.鈥∕aintain consistency as much as possible across your platforms. (e.g. "BostonCollege" is used on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)
- Use the icons provided by the 涩里番下载 social media team as your account profile images (avatars).鈥 Never use the 涩里番下载 seal or the 涩里番下载 Athletics logo as your profile image.
- Use the . If you would like to choose your own, make sure it is sized correctly and you have permission to do so.鈥 Photos work best due to various screen sizes (versus graphics with text).
- Use related or complementary elements and colors throughout the rest of your profile for a more polished feel. 鈥(This is not mandatory but recommended.) More on the 涩里番下载 colors.
Thinking about a new social media channel?
Contact Us.
Social Media Branding
The Office of University Communications design and social teams created graphic templates for 涩里番下载 social media managers鈥 use. They are branded with 涩里番下载鈥檚 color palette and fonts, and are available in varying sizes to accommodate any social platform.
The instructions provide guidance on how to edit and save graphics for use on any official 涩里番下载 department or school social account.
Note: You must have a Canva account
Schools & Colleges
To make it easy for the 涩里番下载 community to identify the 涩里番下载 schools that maintain social media channels and to ensure brand consistency, these accounts should always display the college's official social media avatars given to you by the OUC social media team. The avatar consists the name of the college underneath the 涩里番下载 seal in the college鈥檚 colors of maroon and gold. No other groups should use this avatar.
Academic Departments & Student Life
To ensure all 涩里番下载 academic and administrative departments鈥 social media channels are easily identifiable and have a cohesive look, the avatars are the same maroon and gold color but use the 涩里番下载 wordmark with the department name underneath.
Institutional Departments & Centers
涩里番下载鈥檚 institutional department, centers, and other official accounts are identified with a maroon and gold color scheme and a large 涩里番下载 watermark. The use of an eagle icon with the name of each department or center signifies it is an official 涩里番下载 account.